Now we already know what the serial number means and where to find it, it’s time to talk about how to spot a fake YSL serial number. In a YSL bag the serial number is necessary to preserve the reputation of the brand and to better protect their bags as it is more difficult for forgers to manufacture counterfeit purses. Note that there should be only one row of digits, two rows is a tell-tale sign that the bag is a fake. Talking about the date code, the first 2 digits are the month of production and the last 2 digits are the year of production. Some bags from the latest Yves Saint Laurent collection have a prefix and a dot before the style number.

In new models you can find 3 letters and then 10 digits also separated by a dot. The YSL bags have 12 digits separated by a dot. To find the serial number you just need to look at the opposite side of the tag. A serial number tag looks like a rectangular-shaped piece made of natural leather and its color is the same as the color of the bag. You can find a serial number tag inside of a bag, it is sewn to the lining and is usually located near the zipper on the top. Beware: the tag can’t be sewn into a stitch, but it is carefully sewn to the lining around the edges.

Serial numbers are those little magic elements that can be of great help in the authentication process. Today it is as important as ever to determine the authenticity of a bag. Seeing their popularity, counterfeiters produce replicas but each year their quality is getting better and better which makes it more difficult to tell fakes from original bags. Classic YSL bags have long been a measure of prestige because of their minimalistic chic.